How to apply for a Working With Children Check (WWCC)
If you are a volunteer the check does not cost anything.
If you are in paid employment working with young people there is a cost of $80.00.
To contact the Riverina Presbytery about your WWCC there is an email address at the end of this page.
STEP 1: Fill in an online application form
- Go to the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian website and fill in the online application form. If you do not have access to the internet, please call (02) 9286 7219 for assistance.
- Please make sure the details you provide are EXACTLY THE SAME as the details on your identity documents. If you have submitted the form with a mistake, please redo the form to avoid problems with the proof of identity requirement at step two.
- Ensure you select the correct category: paid or volunteer worker. The $80 fee for paid workers is not refundable if you are a volunteer and you choose ‘paid worker’ by mistake. A Check will cover both paid and volunteer work in NSW for five years.
- If you are a volunteer the check is free to receive.
- If you are in doubt as to your status (paid or volunteer), select volunteer as you can choose to pay at a later date.
- Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an application number that looks like this: APP1234567.
STEP 2: Present proof of your identity.
- Take your application number along with proof of identity to a NSW Motor Registry, RMS Agency, or Service NSW service centre. Find a location at Service NSW Service Centre
- You will need your application number and proof of your identity (same as for a NSW driver’s licence). You must have both of these items for your application to proceed.
- If you are in paid work with young people, you will also be required to pay an $80.00 fee for a five year clearance.
- Finally, you will receive an email once the Working With Children Check has been completed.
Before you go to a NSW Service Centre:
- You cannot submit proof of identity on behalf of someone else. You must appear in person with your own documentation.
- Proof of identity cannot be performed outside of NSW. It must be completed at a NSW Service Centre.
- Additional identity verification options are available for authorised carers and their adult household members who live interstate, and for those who are medically unable to attend a NSW Service Centre.
Receiving your results
- You will receive your outcome and Working With Children Check number by email (or post if you do not have an email address).
- We strongly suggest that you request to receive your number by email as it’s the fastest way to receive your number.
While the above information may apply to anyone applying for a WWCC number, it is then necessary for your “Employer(s)” to be advised of your WWCC number so that they can verify and record the information on their records and with the NSW Children’s Guardian.
In this context ALL organisations that have people who work or volunteer in child-related services are called ‘employers’.
For UCA Riverina Presbytery people you may use the following email address to inform the Presbytery of of your WWCC details:
- Name as it appears on your WWCC registration:
- WWC Check Number
- Your contact details:
- Your Date of Birth:
- Riverina Presbytery Church, Congregation or other activity you are involved with:
- If this is a New Registration, Renewal of a Registration or an enquiry: