Training Courses for Uniting Church People.

A variety of training courses are offered for Uniting Church people. Go to the Synod Events Hub for a list of upcoming training. In NSW/Act many courses are facilitated by the Vital Leadership Team. This link is to information about the team, including contact details.

Rather than re-invent the wheel and try to keep up with the changes in courses you are encouraged to go straight to the source for accurate and up-to-date information.

In many cases the instructions for enrolment are included in the UME course details.

For members of Uniting Churches in the Riverina assistance may be available for paying the course fees.

For more information on how Regional Partnership can help or for other questions relating to training and development please contact
Discipleship and Education Chairperson –
Email: ynubsszna@ovtcbaq.pbz
Discipleship & Education Secretary –